
Get on the Carousel With Us to Fund Research for M-CM

We have partnered with Global Genes and The Festival of Children Foundation to participate in a collaborative fundraising and awareness effort called The RARE Carousel of Possible Dreams.

The M-CM Network's Dream is to fund our 2018 research agenda. It includes disease models for basic research and drug screening, a scientific meeting to improve management guidelines, and a registry to document the course of the disease over time.

Our fundraising goal is a giant leap from what we have achieved in the past. We need all hands on deck! We need you.

Join the carousel by telling your M-CM / MCAP story and what this dream means to you as part of this collaborative fundraiser. Our team page is here, to join, click the JOIN TEAM button. You will be prompted to register for the site. Once your registration is complete, you will have access to edit tools for your fundraising page.

We have made a Facebook group to support this effort where we can share resources and ideas about fundraising and awareness activities.

You can read more about The RARE Carousel of Possible Dreams here.